And do you know the difference between copywriting and content writing? What about copy-editing and proofreading? And then there’s proof-editing? What IS that? 🤭
If you don't, you're not alone. People often call me a copywriter. I am not. I offer a splash 💦. I am primarily a copy-editor.
Me too. The lines between roles can be blurred, and the skill sets required change and evolve.
Take a look at the infographic and see if it tallies with how you would describe your skill set.
[Disclaimer I: The infographic is necessarily succinct and by no means comprehensive ~ infographics don’t lend themselves to waffle and fluff. Also, it is my take on the roles ~ others may view them differently.]
Here's how I would describe my services:
➡️ I am an academic copy-editor <forward slash> proofreader <forward slash> proof-editor. With a splash 💦 of copywriting. Or is it content writing? 🤷🏻♀️
Your turn❓🤓